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Eastlands Belt Knowe |
Midlands West
Fell Pony
Support Group
Do you own
a Fell Pony or are you interested in this native pony breed and
live in Derbyshire, Cheshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Hereford
& Worcester, West Midlands, or Wales?
If you do why not join the Midlands West Fell Pony Support Group
Regular newsletters
Pony Events
Social Gatherings
Performance Awards
Ring Diane - 01785 822723
or e-mail
For further details
or visit
Please note you will also
need to be a member of the Fell Pony Society to join this group
Dartmoor Pony Colouring Book |
Want something to keep the children occupied
on a wet Sunday afternoon? Why not download the free eight page
Dartmoor Pony colouring book from the Dartmoor National Park
Download the Dartmoor Colouring Book Now >>
Fell Pony DVD |
The Fell Pony Society has recently published
DVD aimed at promoting the breed.
It not only features the Fell pony on the breath taking fells
in Cumbria but also includes interviews with some of the hill
farmers and breeders who talk about the ponies and how they manage
them on these open fells.
The DVD also features the FPS Stallion and Breed Shows, performance
and driving trials, and the ridden finals at Olympia. It shows
the versatility of the breed and gives an insight into why it
is so important for the breed to hold onto the remaining
hill herds.
The DVD was filmed by Alan and Denise Tibbitts of DVX Productions
with narration by Brian Blessed.
The DVD, which costs £15 plus post and packing is available
from the Fell Pony Society.
Vist the
FPS web-site for more details ..................

Lack of grazing forces owner to keep pony in front
room |
A woman on Lewis in the Outer
Hebrides is keeping a pony in her house because she says there
is nowhere suitable on the island where it can be stabled over
the winter.
Stephanie Noble, 65, moved 3 year old Grey Lady Too into the
lounge of her semi-detached home in Back on Christmas Eve.
To make the pony comfortable Ms Noble has laid a bed of straw
over a covering of 60 litres of cat litter and four heavy duty
blankets and has turned her chairs into feeding troughs.
The local council said she could do what she wished at her home,
but would not encourage taking in a pony and the Scottish SPCA
said it had offered to take care of her pony.
Read more ..................
Contraceptive injections for Dartmoor pony herd |
A herd of Dartmoor ponies are to get
contraceptive injections in a bid to reduce the number of unwanted
foals. The injection will be given to 20 animals in the spring
and if the trial is successful it could be expanded.
According to the the Dartmoor Hill Pony Association the foals
are not in demand in the current economic climate and there are
currently too many of them.
Jonathan Lamming, of Dart Vale Veterinary Group said that this
type of intervention was in the forefront of equine reproductive
technology and that enquires were made in Australia and America,
because there are no drugs in the UK that could be used to control
the fertility of horses.
Read more ..................

click here to see the Copperbeech fact sheet
the Show Results pages for more results
you running a show?
If so let us know the results |