A new
club for lovers of Exmoor Ponies has recently been founded in
Scotland. The Scottish Exmoor Pony Riding Club, whose President
is Lisa Bell was established not only to promote the breed but
also to allow members to compete in pony based competitions.
Lisa told Native Ponies Online, "Having been a member
of several BRC affiliated riding clubs, I have often found that
I have been unable to compete on a par with my 'horse riding'
friends because I choose to ride Exmoor ponies. It is not that
my ponies are not capable, but more that they excel in a slightly
different way to the horse. As the membership of most riding
clubs consists of adults riding horses, their activities reflect
this. I felt it was time to provide a club for the adult who
prefers to ride ponies, and to tackle the 'pony prejudice' I
have so often encountered in the horse world. This, tied in with
my own passion to promote the rare Exmoor Pony, has led to the
founding of the."
"Membership is open to anyone concerned with the promotion
of the ridden Exmoor Pony who resides in Scotland. To meet the
varying needs of these people, several membership packages will
be made available - Standard, Student, Junior and Non-Riding.
It may be that the requirement of the membership is that we divide
into smaller areas for regular events, and join together as one
for larger scale activities. The importance is that the club
will be tailored to suit the membership and not vice versa."
The aims of the Scottish Exmoor Pony Riding Club are:-
- To encourage the use of the ridden Exmoor Pony for sport
and recreation.
- To promote good fellowship amongst riders of the Exmoor Pony
and to improve and maintain the standard of riding and horsemanship.
- To organise instructional meetings, lectures, competitive
events and other activities which will further these objects.
- To obtain affiliation to British Riding Clubs and to support
and co-operate with recognised organisations interested in the
breeding and use of the Exmoor Pony.
- To concern itself with any object that will benefit the Exmoor
Pony and its Rider
Further details are available from www.seprc.scottishexmoors.co.uk/